“Better a diamond with a flow than a pebble without.” – Confucius
Most women and even men own expensive and valuable jewelries from either own purchase or a present . Either worn or unworn, they’re not spared from any crucial chances of loss or damage.
I will cite two very important factors that need to be considered associated with these valuable items:
1. Appraisal with certificate – This needs to be done by a certified jeweler that in the event of loss, there is a certification that validates the monetary value of the jewelry. This is so vital to have for several purposes such as liquidation (selling), insurance claims, estate tax, etc. The appraisal needs to be updated at an average of every two to three years. Always make sure to keep your certificate in an extremely safe place for future reference.
2. Insurance – This is commonly part of your house’s insurance coverage as its valuable content. This can also be availed separately (not tied up with house insurance), if you so desired.
You can still find ways to save money when considering these two important things. For appraisal, this can either be availed for FREE through your favorite jeweler or at a very minimal cost by referral. For insurance, as I mentioned above, it is cheaper when combined with other non-life (such as house, antique collections, etc.). Most of the time, when your house is covered, its contents are also covered as an add-on, that’s why having an up-do-date appraisal with certificate is so important for claiming purposes.
These two factors are very vital that are most often forgotten. In every investment that you own, minimize the worry simply by protecting it. The monetary or sentimental values attached to your valuables are more realized only after they are lost. Better be cautious at the beginning rather than sorry in the end.
No matter what the reason of buying is, either falling between “wants” and “needs”, it still means spending money in exchange of something. In essence, proper protection should be observed to maximize its full benefits.
Valuable and expensive jewelries are one of the most common items handed down from one generation to the next, so it is really worth paying extra bucks to preserve them.
If you’ll afford to possess these things at your possession, i’m pretty sure that you simply cannot afford to lose them by all means. Be proactive!
A must-do when owning valuable jewelries.
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